Direct profit from eBooks can be a nice source of
extra income. Not every eBook is sold for profit, though. Companies around the
web are writing eBooks and putting them on their websites for free. Many times,
I will go to a website just to get the eBook and find myself staying and
learning about the company’s products and services.
That is exactly how eBooks can improve website
traffic. First, you produce the eBook and then you make sure people know about
it. You may be surprised at how many takers will come around to pick up that
Channel consumers to your website for a free eBook
download. You can do this by having SEO articles on the web at various article
directories. Make an announcement in the author’s box where your company
information goes. Say that visitors to your site will get the eBook free.
Make sure your eBook has a catchy title or one that
clearly identifies a specific subject that is of interest to your target audience.
Offering content to a specific niche is a great way to reach the exact people
that will be open to your services. When these potential customers see the
title and notice that it is free, they will follow the link to get the
The advance of technology has made the free eBook as
popular as ever, if not more so. Now, consumers do not have to sit at their
desk to read an eBook. They do not have to print it out to be comfortable
reading it. Kindles, Nooks and iPads make it easy for your potential customers
to relax and enjoy as they read your interesting and informative content.
Another way to interest consumers in your services
is to request that they leave an email address in order to get the eBook
download. In return, you offer a helpful newsletter about your industry. People
are becoming more open to leaving their email address as time goes by. I do not
want to be spammed with constant announcements and advertisements. On the other
hand, I will usually let the newsletter keep coming to me if the company
respects my needs. The eBook is the real draw, though, and you can gain a lot
of customers if you offer them an impressive one.
For fascinating eBooks on the subjects of your
choice, contact us at
We will get you started immediately and on your way to a larger, more targeted
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