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Monday, April 1, 2013

Hark! Hark!! Read All About It!!!

I bet you are expecting some late breaking news now, aren't you?  Okay, I confess; there is nothing late and breaking about the news I am about to deliver you but it is something you need to know – not only for your website, but for any content you EVER put out – web copy, blogs, articles, press releases, white papers, sales landing pages, and the list goes on and on.  The news, although nothing new but too often neglected is simply – write a compelling headline!
Now, with the web, not only do you need to write a compelling headline, but you also you have to write one that includes a long-tail keyword or a keyword phrase (two words) that you know your market niche would naturally search for to find you! Long tail keywords are a type of keyword phrase that has at least three and some times as many as five words in the phrase.  Creative headlines catch interest from readers and interest from search engines – include the keywords that reflect your niche, and you get indexed by our friendly crawlers.

Do you know what long tail keywords your targeted market would use to search for what you have to offer?  Are they in your headlines on your website? Do you make sure your headlines and titles are keyword optimized?  If so – GREAT JOB!  If not, it is never too late to fix it on your website.  Go back and work in your website content headlines that include a long-tail keyword or keyword phrase (two key words) to improve your search engine rankings.  It is an easy fix and it’s FREE!!!

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